Dear valued patient,
The face of the world has changed, and along with it most industries have undergone change. Chiropractic has to step up to the plate, and adapt to the post COVID-19 period. Safety of both our patients and your chiropractor is of paramount importance. With this information in mind there will be a few changes implemented:
- Patients and chiropractors will be required to wear a mask at their appointments. A strict policy of: No mask, No appointment! will be implemented. This is the minimum level required. Please note that gloves will not be used for your appointment for hygiene purposes. Should you need more information on the AHPCSA guidelines for good practice hygiene, please consult
- You will be obligated in addition to read and sign an information and consent form regarding COVID-19. Also, you will be obligated to respond via email prior to the chiropractic consultation that you have received and read via email the information and consent form with the screening questions (1.6-1.8 of the consent form).
- Patients and chiropractors will be required to wash/ sanitise their hands in the reception area prior to treatment.
- Please leave as many accessory items in the car as you are able to. This includes watches, jewellery etc. the less there is on you, the less chance there is of contamination.
- Please bring along your own shorts/ gowns or wear comfy clothing that you do not need to change into the clinic attire.
- Please note that all friends and family will be asked to wait in the car.
- Appointment times will be made longer due to time taken to clean all handles / machines and treatment surfaces. Please be patient and keep this in mind when making your appointment.
- Please be on time for your appointment to reduce contact between patients. If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 please reschedule your appointment.
- Please see below more information regarding COVID-19 as well as the signs and symptoms.
- If you had any exposure to anyone with suspected or diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, worked or attended a clinic facility treating COVID-19 patients; please let us know.
- On arrival you will be screened via screening questions for COVID-19 and your temperature may be taken to ensure everyone’s safety. If you are positive for any screening questions relating to COVID-19 or you have a fever you will not be treated.
Please feel free to contact the practice if you have any queries. Let’s all stay safe.”